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Blog: User Interface Proposal

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Cor, that was a GRATE weekend of ROCK that was, culminating yesterday in a trip out to The Hangover Lounge so see Mr J Jervis on his birthday as well as, it turned out, roughly 45% of the entire Indie Community of London. It was LOVELY!

But today it is Monday and so we must turn our heads to the Serious Business of ROCK. As (i think) reported previously we're just starting to sort out VLAD FACTS, the OFFICIAL Validators Magazine (you know, as opposed to all those unofficial ones), the first issue of which will be including in the multimedia for the next album. It's going to have LOADS of stuff on it, and Producer Pattison has suggested we have a section where CONSUMER QUERIES are answered. I think it is a GOOD IDEA, and so I ask you this:

Do you have any questions re. The Validators that you would like answering? This can be pretty much ANYTHING and does not have to be restricted to the next album, just so long as it's vaguely connected to one of us it is FAIR GO. THUS, we'd be very grateful if you could add it to the COMMENTS below or, if you're on the mailing list just email me on the newsletter email address, and we'll try and sort it out!

posted 26/1/2009 by MJ Hibbett

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