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Blog: Entire Back Catalogue ONLINE

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I've just come to the end of a BIG PROJECT - getting (nearly) all of our mighty BACK CATALOGUE put onto our bandcamp page! There is a LOT of it!

It is, in fact, pretty much EVERY song we've ever released via Artists Against Success. All that's missing are the Christmas songs (which will be coming soon in a SPECIAL THING), the two unique b-sides on It Only Works Because You're Here and some of the odds and sods from various multimedia extras over the years. Apart from that though, wherever you go through our discography, if we WROTE it you can listen to it!

I must say I am VERY happy about the way bandcamp have enabled us to do this. We might never SELL huge amounts of downloads in this way (most of them have been available from download stores for ages anyway), but what's BRILLIANT about it is that it's let us put little STREAMING MUSIC boxes onto every SONG page. It's ESPECIALLY ACE for songs like It Isn't Jetpacks, a song that i REALLY like but which hardly anyone has had the chance to hear. Now you can!

I'm THINKING of doing a MINI-SERIES of blogs over the next few weeks to HIGHLIGHT a few of these songs, Just For Fun - songs that are liked mainly by ME and which I think could benefit by being heard by... well, somebody else. There IS quite a lot coming up over the next few weeks though - including the development of this year's CHRISTMAS SONG and ensuing CHRISTMAS ALBUM - so it might take a while. In the meantime, why not wander over and have a listen? Go on, it'll be FUN!

posted 22/10/2010 by MJ Hibbett

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