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Blog: Moon Horse Podcast Is GO!

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I'm very VERY proud to say that the first and second episodes of Moon Horse VS The Mars Men of Jupiter are released for download TODAY!

We've put the first two episodes together to make a 20 minute download, with episodes three (out next week) and four (the week after) roughly the same length. The series is an edited version of the two shows Mr Steve Hewitt and I performed at The Criterion during the Leicester Comedy Festival this year, and when the whole series is finished there'll be a "pay what you like" download available from our bandcamp page with the whole thing edited together, so you don't have to keep listening to me doing my BBC Radio Announcer voice, or indeed the ADVERTS at the end!

It's taken a little while to get ON AIR for two reasons - partly because I was waiting for a suitable gap in the ongoing Dinosaur Planet schedule to make sure Moon Horse had room to BREATH, but MOSTLY because I was having SO MUCH FUN listening to it that I kept forgetting I was meant to be paying attention to SOUND LEVELS and doing Proper Edit!

There's a whole heap of ways to listen - I've put it up as part of the Totally Acoustic series as well as being on the revamped Moon Horse website. You can listen to it on mixcloud or soundcloud, and you can also download it directly from us.

I apologise for the lack of availability in FUTURISTIC HOLOGRAM MODE - I'm working on it!

If you get a chance to listen to it I hope you enjoy it - as you can tell we had a GRATE deal of FUN performing it - and if you DO like it, please tell other people! We're dead PROUD of this show, and would like LOADS of people to hear it!

posted 19/3/2012 by MJ Hibbett

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