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Blog: Scott Of The Antarctic

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On Wednesday last week night I met with Mr S Hewitt for another night of post-Edinburgh Edinburgh NESS. It started off with a MEETING to discuss future Total Hero Team PLANS. I've been FRETTING and WORRYING about how on earth we were going to record a version of the show for THE AGES. With previous shows we have recorded them as a multi-media extra , a full on concept album and a series of podcasts but this time I was planning something MORE AMBITIOUS i.e. a full-on VIDEO SERIES. However, the more i've thought about it the more i've realised that this would be a LIVING NIGHTMARE - for instance, I spent a MONTH trying to work out a SCRIPT for it, and only got about a quarter of the way through before the sheer HUGENESS of trying to film the whole story with JUST the two of us overwhelmed me. It would, it turns out, be like recording an album of sixteen songs then filming a hugely complicated video for EACH AND EVERY ONE, always making sure they lined up together.

After much WORRY and BOTHERING Steve and The Lines In My Script about it I FINALLY realised that this might all be A Bit Much so, after wavering through various other ideas, I think I've decided to do it instead as a six part WEB RADIO series, like what they did with A Brief History Of Time Travel but SHORTER and a bit more lo-fi. This way I can do a small re-write to include more NAMES in the script (obviously mine and Steve's mastery of ACCENTS means most people will be able to distinguish between characters easily, but we don't want anybody left behind...) and we can add some SOUND EFFECTS where necessary. It will, I think, be two things I look for in a project: EASY and GOOD!

With that decided we headed over to The Star Of Kings where we were joined by the aforesaid Actors In My Play to see "Scott Of The Antarctic", the new show by Fran and The Cheshire Liberation Front, our top PALS from The Buffs Club a couple of years ago. We shared our slot at the Dram House with them at Edinburgh this year - we did the first two weeks, they did the last - so we never got to SEE them, and thus were very grateful for this second chance to do so.

Here is my review of the evening: it was GRATE! There were SIX of them larking about with HATS and WIGS and a LOT of being very silly indeed - like when we saw The Beta Males the other week this MYSTERIOUSLY appealed to me A LOT. Can't think why. There were songs, including a theme tune that i am STILL SINGING, a proper story and a LOT of GAGS. It was lovely - I do hope Grown Men Titting About In Hats becomes a BIG TREND that the newspapers CA$H IN on soon!

posted 4/11/2013 by MJ Hibbett

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