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Blog: Not Finished Yet

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Due to the below mentioned travelling I didn't QUITE get to finish the new tape over the weekend, although there's only a few vocal tracks on two songs to do, so hopefully it'll be done tonight. It all sounds rather groovy, ESPECIALLY (i reckon) some of the FX i got going on the backing vocals, not least the DALEK CHOIR on "City Centres" (the words to which I'll put up soon, as I was working them out as I went along whilst recording), and the Sort Of ADT (Artificial Double Tracking, that is, not pesticide) i got going on a few others. TECH TASTIC!

I also played quite a bit of Super Bass, that is, BASS really high up the fretboard through LOTS of distortion, so it sounded like LEAD BASS. Whoo! It were WELL GROOVY, the only shame is that now I've DONE all the bass and won't get to play it proper for ages again now. On the other hand, this might be the best thing all round - on Saturday I was GROOVING on the bass when The Leads In My Effects Rack came in to see what was going on. Me being me I immediately proceeded to SHOW OFF, and it was during a particularly dramatic 360 DEGREE SPIN that I forgot I was plugged into a four track and YANKED it off the desk, breaking the brand new tape lid. OOPS.

posted 12/1/2004 by MJ Hibbett

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