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Cor, it's all go on the NEWS isn't it? Popes, Prime Ministers and Princes A-GO-GO, it's like living in the titles of a Prog Rock Album!

I'm very much looking forward to the election, as i always do, although this time I feel the evening itself is going to be a lot more Star Wars: A New Hope rather than Dr Who i.e. DISAPPOINTING. The last two times we've had the JOY of the Tories being CRUSHED, but that's not going to happen this time, i don't think, and even if it DID it'd mean the AUTONS of New Labour would get to prance around being pleased with themselves. The more i look at them all, the more it strikes me that they're all BOSSES - the Tories are a bunch of SMALL BUSINESS BOSSES (nasty, self-important, concerned ONLY with short term CA$H PROFIT and prone to feeling MARTYRED if they have to give a monkey's about STAFF) while Labour are PUBLIC SECTOR BOSSES (nasty, self-important, concerned ONLY with looking good and have to attend MANY MANY COURSES in order to train to look HUMAN, but never do).

Personally, i shall be voting for the NON-BOSSES i.e. the enthusiastic leaders of Scout Packs, Managers of local charities, and Directors of Amateur Dramatics. COME ON CHARLIE!

posted 5/4/2005 by MJ Hibbett

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