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Blog: Tables 4-6: Songs Played

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Here we go then, here's the top twenty songs played in various permutations of personnel. Please note that this ONLY includes gigs from 2005 onwards, and then not ALL of them as I didn't always remember to keep my setlist. With that in mind, let's STAT!

Top Twenty Songs Played At Gigs By Any Validatory Combination
Title % gigs (N)
1 Easily Impressed 93.18 (41)
2 The Lesson Of The Smiths 81.81 (36)
3 The Peterborough All-Saints' Wide Game Team (Group B) 70.45 (31)
4 Boom Shake The Room 68.18 (30)
5 Hey Hey 16K 68.18 (30)
6 Clubbing In The Week 59.09 (26)
7 Fucking Hippy 47.72 (21)
8 Billy Jones Is Dead 43.18 (19)
9 Red & White Sockets 40.9 (18)
10 Things'll Be Different (when I'm in charge) 38.63 (17)
11 Never Going Back To Aldi's 34.09 (15)
12 The Fight For History 31.81 (14)
13 Quality Of Life Enhancement Device 27.27 (12)
14 The Perfect Love Song 25 (11)
15 Better Things To Do 22.72 (10)
16 The Gay Train 22.72 (10)
17 Good Luck In Your New Job 18.18 (8)
18 The Symbol Of Our Nation 15.9 (7)
19= Breaks In The Journey 13.63 (6)
19= I Come From The Fens 13.63 (6)
19= Payday Is The Best Day 13.63 (6)
19= Tell Me Something You DO Like 13.63 (6)

Top Twenty Songs Played At Solo Gigs
Title % gigs (N)
1 The Peterborough All-Saints' Wide Game Team (Group B) 93.54 (29)
2= Boom Shake The Room 90.32 (28)
2= Easily Impressed 90.32 (28)
2= The Lesson Of The Smiths 90.32 (28)
5 Clubbing In The Week 80.64 (25)
6 Fucking Hippy 67.74 (21)
7 Red & White Sockets 58.06 (18)
8 Hey Hey 16K 54.83 (17)
9= Billy Jones Is Dead 32.25 (10)
9= The Perfect Love Song 32.25 (10)
11 Good Luck In Your New Job 25.8 (8)
12= Never Going Back To Aldi's 22.58 (7)
12= Things'll Be Different (when I'm in charge) 22.58 (7)
14 The Fight For History 19.35 (6)
15= I Come From The Fens 16.12 (5)
15= Work's All Right (when it's a proper job) 16.12 (5)
17= Better Things To Do 9.67 (3)
17= Dino At The Sands 9.67 (3)
17= Fly Me To The Moon 9.67 (3)
17= Payday Is The Best Day 9.67 (3)
17= The Drummer's Lament 9.67 (3)

Top Twenty Songs Played With The Validators
Title % gigs (N)
1= Easily Impressed 100 (13)
1= Hey Hey 16K 100 (13)
3 Quality Of Life Enhancement Device 84.61 (11)
4 Things'll Be Different (when I'm in charge) 76.92 (10)
5 Billy Jones Is Dead 69.23 (9)
5= The Gay Train 69.23 (9)
7= Never Going Back To Aldi's 61.53 (8)
7= The Fight For History 61.53 (8)
7= The Lesson Of The Smiths 61.53 (8)
10 Better Things To Do 53.84 (7)
11 Tell Me Something You DO Like 46.15 (6)
11= The Symbol Of Our Nation 46.15 (6)
13 Breaks In The Journey 30.76 (4)
14 Payday Is The Best Day 23.07 (3)
15= Boom Shake The Room 15.38 (2)
15= Leave My Brother Alone 15.38 (2)
15= Looking At My Hands 15.38 (2)
15= Mental Judo 15.38 (2)
15= Song For Cookie Boy 15.38 (2)
15= The Peterborough All-Saints' Wide Game Team (Group B) 15.38 (2)

Excuse me for saying so, but THAT is what i call some QUALITY FACTS!

It also fills me with dread for when Tim sees it - as SETLIST MEISTER he is FOREVER saying we always play the same songs in the Vlads, and i fear this may prove to be AMMUNITION for his cause. Still, it's noticeable that there's a lot more NEW STUFF in the Vlads set than in my solo one. This is for two reasons: firstly we've PRACTICED the new ones a lot more and have only ever played a lot of the old ones as a band when we actually recorded them, and secondly - with a wider palate to choose from on my own I'm able to play more stuff that's already OUT and... er... available to buy from a friendly retailer at the end of the gig!

Also, if you're wondering - "Song For Cookie Boy" is the cover of "Sugar Spun Sister" we playe (twice!) at Nic and Emma's wedding last year!

posted 10/2/2006 by MJ Hibbett

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