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Blog: And They're Off!

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You find me today QUITE EXCITED, as I've just returned from a trip down Leytonstone High Road, posting envelopes as i went, for LO! this morning i spent a merry hour or so STUFFING ENVELOPES for the Grand Promotional Campaign for the new single. About 120 of the 140 have GONE, with the rest waiting for new STAMPS, then there'll be another BATCH going to PRESS in the next week or so, so please LISTEN OUT for it on the AIRWAVES won't you?

It feels as if all this has happened a bit suddenly - it's been SUCH a long process to get the CDs done and ready (originally we were going to release it last October!) that it feels MIGHTY STRANGE to think it's actually out soon. Mighty Strange, but also MIGHTY FINE.

posted 5/4/2007 by MJ Hibbett

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