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On the way home last night I was listening to WE VALIDATE! for the first time in AGES. When we're recording new stuff I listen to it a LOT - I mean, i have listened to the rough tracks of the next album about a MILLION times (ISH) - but once it's all done and released I very rarely go back for another listen. For instance, I think I've only listened to Say It With Words ONCE in the past three or four years, when me and Tom were on a long car journey.

So yes, it was an unusual occurrence, and when I got to the song Quality Of Life Enhancement Device I thought about what a lovely idea had been, and what a shame it was that it hadn't got on a bit more.

For those who don't know, the SONG is all about little items that make a MASSIVE difference to your quality of life. The prime example, being the purchase that made me think of the song in the first place, was a four way plug adapter from the pound shop which IMMEDIATELY meant I didn't have to juggle plugs every time I wanted to watch telly or use my computer, negotiating a writhing snakes' nest of WIRE in the corner of my flat.

The song contains a link to the qoled website, which I set up so that OTHER people could submit their own QOLEDs, and though it got off to a RARING start, with many LOVELY submissions (they are, of course, all fab in their own way, but the William Wagtail one, I have to admit, is my personal favourite), they rather peetered out after a while.

So, imagine my surprise when I logged on this morning to find Mr W Pilkington had sent in a whole NEW QOLED! Once I'd got over FREAKING OUT I went over to the site to look through all the other ones, and was filled with joy. If you've not had a look before, or even if not for a while, might I suggest a quick visit? It really is a repository of Small Loveliness which I think you might enjoy and - HEY HEY - perhaps even like to contribute to yourself?

posted 5/6/2008 by MJ Hibbett

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