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Blog: Storm The Charts

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Being a web-literature connoisseur of all that is modern and HEP as you doubtless are, I'm sure you're already aware of the Storm The Charts campaign (with obligatory facebook group). Just in case you've been too over-tasked with GROOVING or something to get wind of it, the basic idea is that it's LIKE the Rage Against The MAchine campaign that we all enjoyed at Christmas except that THIS time it's promoting FORTY different independent ("unsigned" in the old, nasty, parlance) bands.

I think this is a GRATE idea, especially as, having looked at the list, it includes lots of bands that are GOOD and INTERESTING and FUN, rather than being the ploddingly worthy Battle Of The Band Competition victors that you might have expected. It's ALSO lovely that it's a bid to promote NEW stuff, rather than an old song, which is being released independently rather than on major labels.

In fact there's nothing much about it that ISN'T a really brilliant idea, and I wholeheartedly urge one and all to go and have a look at it and, if possible, BUY a couple of tracks. I've gone for SHRAG (on iTunes and Amazon) and MARVELLOUS veterans of Totally Acoustic, The Grave Architects (on iTunes and Amazon), but there is a TON to choose from.

Go on! It'll be fun!

posted 29/6/2010 by MJ Hibbett

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It sounds a hideous idea Mark, what are you thinking? Like all those things rubbish local bands do for "exposure".
posted 1/7/2010 by N

I think it sounds like fun - and there's some bands i LIKE doing it!
posted 1/7/2010 by MJ Hibbett

Seriously now though Mark - this is just the naffest thing ever! Has the interweb suddenly started to run backwards? Have they all got an animated kitten in their video too?
posted 1/7/2010 by Frankie

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