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Blog: Business Matters

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It's been back to the post office for me these past couple of days, as I've been taking in PARCELS for all the lovely people taking advantage of the Dinosaur Planet HALF PRICE SALE!

It feels like AGES since I last had big batches of CDs/t-shirts/CHRISTMAS CARDS to send off, and I was reminded how brilliant it is to think that soon people all over the WORLD would be opening parcels containing Dinosaur Planet GOODNESS. Nobody ever gets RICH through Mail Order (INDEED with postage, packaging, and the cost of making them, some of these packages are going out at a LOSS!!) but it's one of my favourite parts of the whole Independent ARTISTE business.

Another JOYFUL aspect of this sale is that it's CLEARING OUT quite a few boxes - at time of writing we have only ONE set of the gorgeous Dinosaur Planet Christmas Cards and we've totally sold out of ALL kids sizes, and small and medium sized adult t-shirts.

What I'm saying, basically, is please PANIC BUY IMMEDIATELY!

There's tons of albums left (and will be for the next CENTURY i expect) but that doesn't mean you shouldn't LEAP IN and buy one - they're only half price until Christmas and they're dead good, honest!

posted 27/11/2012 by MJ Hibbett

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