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Blog: We're On The Way!

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Yesterday we zoomed past a massive milestone on the way to releasing our new album: I sent the MASTERS off to be MANUFACTURED!

This has been a big old job - it's taken YEARS (years!) of writing, recording, mixing, mastering, re-mixing and re-mastering to get the audio parts done, and it's taken MONTHS of back and forth and TWEAKING to get the artwork for the cover done. The biggest job over the past couple of weeks has been sorting out the COLLAGE that forms the inside cover - there's a LOT of pictures in there, and a lot of checking needed doing!

This all culminated in a nervous weekend during which I LOOKED at the artwork about 1,000 times, got the Validators to agree it, and had final checks with The Team In My Internal Comms Team before burning it to CD, putting it all in an envelope with the order form, and taking it down to the post office. There is now a GRATE sense of relief around, a sense that will come crashing down in about a fortnight when we begin the process of waiting for the CDs to actually ARRIVE, so I intend to enjoy it while I can!

There's a TONNE more to do - I've still got to finish logging it with iTunes etc, get various promo items ordered, write a press release, send it out to reviewers, make some videos and all the other bits of ADMIN that you need to do in the futuristic world of being your own record company - but this is one HECK of a step forward. We're very much hoping to get it ready for release on July 4th - I can guarantee that I'll be keeping you informed along the way!

posted 26/4/2016 by MJ Hibbett

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